With temperatures increasing, we often look for ways to cool down.
Food can be a great way to cool you down and to balance your body temperature with the environment. The traditional ice cream, cold beverage or juicy watermelon are typically of preference during the warmer weather. But did you know that if you really want to cool down on a hot day having a hot bowl of soup is actually your best option? Although counterintuitive (and maybe not as appealing as ice cream), a hot bowl of soup brings your body more in line with your environment and helps you to keep temperature balance. When we eat something hot, it warms up your esophagus and stomach which then triggers your body to start sweating in order to release some of that heat. The more you sweat, the more heat you are getting rid of from your body. And it is that sweat that begins to evaporate which naturally cools your body down. In North America, we tend to think that hot soup should only be eaten during the cooler months because it is comforting. But around the world, especially in hottest climates, hot soup has been keeping people cool for thousands of years. In hot climates such as southeast Asia, India, and the Caribbean they eat hot soups and stews everyday. So stay cool and try some delicious soup with our new ZEG’s Vegetable Beef Soup recipe! Your local Sobeys has a great deal on Lean Ground Beef for $3.99 / lb. Choosing soup as a meal is one of the easiest ways to stay cool and healthy this summer! Enjoy! Savour the Flavour!
Click Picture for Recipe |
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