Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where can I buy ZEG Sauces?

You could use the product finder at to find a product near you.

My favorite ZEG Sauces are no longer available at my local grocery store. What can I do?

Communication is the key. Speak with your local store manager and let them know that you would love to buy ZEG Sauces at their store. If they don’t carry our products, you can give them our email so they can order some sauce especially if there is high demand.

If your local store still doesn’t carry ZEG Sauces, you can always order directly from us by clicking here:

Should I refrigerate ZEG Sauces?

We recommend refrigerating ZEG Sauces after opening for best quality.

How long can I keep ZEG Sauces after I open it?

After opening, we suggest keeping the sauce for no longer than 4 months. Always refrigerate sauce after it is opened.

What should I use ZEG Sauce on?

You can use ZEG Sauce with all of your favorite foods! Our sensational flavour and versatility makes us one of the only sauces that can be used for multiple purposes such as barbecuing, broiling, grilling, sautéing, basting, poaching marinating, spreading, side dipping, garnishing and as a dressing on a variety of foods. ZEG Sauce lovers have been putting our sauces on everything from chicken, pork, beef, fish, seafood and eggs to vegetables, rice, and tofu.

We cannot tell you all the possibilities for ZEG Sauces, since your own taste and imagination define the limits! Let us know how you use ZEG Sauces and share with the world.

There are also some suggestions in our recipe sections.

When barbecuing or broiling meats, when should you add ZEG Sauce?

Generally, you should baste foods during last 5-10 minutes of barbecuing or broiling with ZEG Sauce. You want to let the sensational flavour of the sauce enhance the food you are eating for the ultimate premium experience.


To avoid contaminating sauce, never place dirty or used utensils, such as basting brushes, into the bottle and do not pour used sauce back into the bottle.